NYC Kids Rise
Save for College Program
Dear Parent/guardian’s,
We would like to introduce to you the NYC Kids Rise Save for College Program. This program helps to prepare students for college. The Save for College Program provides families, schools, and communities with a way to work together to save for their children’s futures. It’s a scholarship and savings program designed to make college and career training more accessible and achievable for all NYC public school students, starting in kindergarten—regardless of their family’s income or immigration status. The Save for College Program is managed by NYC Kids RISE, a non-profit organization, in partnership with NYC Public Schools and the City of New York.
With this Program:
Each eligible student automatically receives an NYC Scholarship Account with an initial $100 unless their parent/guardian opts out.
Families can earn up to $175 more in rewards for their child’s NYC Scholarship Account by completing the "3 Building Blocks" and completing the Savings Match.
Organizations, businesses, and other institutions can contribute additional money to groups of these students’ NYC Scholarship Accounts through Community Scholarships to demonstrate their support for every child’s success. For more information, visit the NYC Kids RISE website.
Just by registering your child they can earn $175 in rewards that will accumulate to over $1000 by the time they graduate high school.